The first month of summer is here and it’s time to smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Luckily, that’s not too hard of a feat for us cigar smokers; we’re more than happy to do more unwinding, relaxing, and enjoying the quality cigars we’ve collected over the years, especially with the beautiful summer weather. Quality cigars have the distinct feature of being able to alleviate many troubles, and that’s exactly what our Cigar Master, Vince Mascio, kept in mind when choosing our June 2020 Cigar of the Month, the Carbonell President.
From the Carbonell President’s premium blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos and quality Ecuadorian wrapper to the pleasant aroma, this fine cigar lives up to its respectable hype. This 8x50 medium bodied cigar, with it's wonderfully smooth and slightly sweet taste, is a "page-turning" smoke in the cigar world: once lit, it's almost impossible to put down.
The Carbonell President cigars are the perfect size if you’re looking to sit back, relax and really take in the smoking experience. For an incredible pairing with the Carbonell President, match this quality cigar with a brandy that has a more spicy flavor. The cigar's sweetness will balance out the spice of the brandy giving you a pleasant, harmonious smoking experience.
The slightly sweet Carbonell President is a distinguished, fitting cigar for this time: it's great company. This smooth, complex smoke can be enjoyed from the newest of smokers to the most well heeled; the Carbonell President is an exceptional addition to any cigar collection!
This June, as the nation begins to slowly reopen and summer creeps in, embrace the weather with the large and beautifully consistent Carbonell President in hand. Whether you just started smoking today or have been for years, this quality cigar is an ideal medium-bodied smoke to add to your humidor. There's a reason our blends have been the elite's favorites since the 1920s, including celebrities like Tip O'Neil & well-known actor Joe Mantegna, George Burns, Milton Berle, and Paul Harvey. Our cigars speak for themselves. Try them today and order your Carbonell Presidents!