At OBT Cigar, we believe that the artistic genius lies in the touch of our roller’s hands.
What began in 1976 as a small retail outlet in Oak Brook, Illinois, has grown to become one of the finest makers of hand-rolled cigars in the industry. The shop was established under the guidance of Meyer Patur, a late cigar legend whose knowledge of the leaf and blending are rarely equaled. His craftsmanship, attention to detail, and customer appreciation are three pillars we’ve held onto throughout the years.
Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, our cigars are hand-rolled using a blend of the finest leaves to assure the best cigars are delivered to our customers. Our premium tobacco fillers are mild to medium bodied, giving a pleasant taste that’s not overbearing.
There's a reason our blends have been the elite's favorites since the 1920s, including celebrities like Tip O'Neil & well-known actor Joe Mantegna, George Burns, Milton Berle, and Paul Harvey. Our cigars speak for themselves.
Come smoke with us and celebrate all those special occasions in your life with the finest hand-rolled cigars that you will ever smoke. We hope you become part of our OBT Cigar family!
Not sure which cigar to try? Email or call us and we'll have one of our cigar aficionados create a personalized recommendation just for you!