The intricacies of cigar sizes and shapes is crucial for both new and experienced smokers. At OBT Cigar, this concept is embraced through our diverse array of hand-rolled cigars, each with its unique dimensions and form. The size and shape of a cigar are more than just physical characteristics; they profoundly influence the smoking experience, from the intensity of the flavor to the duration of the burn.
In the world of cigars, size is usually measured in two dimensions: length and ring gauge (diameter). The length of a cigar can range from a few inches to nearly a foot, directly impacting the duration of your smoking experience. The ring gauge, measured in 64ths of an inch, determines the cigar's thickness. A larger ring gauge allows for more tobacco leaves, often resulting in a fuller and more complex flavor profile.
Cigars come in various shapes, broadly categorized into two groups: Parejos and Figurados. Parejos are straight-sided cigars, like the familiar Corona and Churchill. These are classic and widely preferred due to their consistent burning characteristics.
OBT Cigar showcases a variety of cigar sizes and shapes, each catering to different smoking preferences. Our best-selling Valley Connection is known for its mild smoke and subtle sweetness, which is attributed partly due to its specific size and Connecticut shade-grown wrapper. Another popular choice, the F-1 Natural, offers a medium-bodied flavor, with a blend of Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran tobaccos, again influenced by its dimensions and Brazilian leaf wrapper.
The shapes of cigars at OBT Cigar also vary, including classic styles like Diplomat, Rothchild, Blunt, Churchill, and President. Each shape affects the smoking experience uniquely. For instance, the Churchill, a longer cigar, offers a prolonged, leisurely smoke, ideal for relaxation. In contrast, a Blunt, being shorter, provides a quick yet satisfying experience.
OBT Cigars offers a selection of 8 cigar types, each available in a variety of styles. The 15 styles include - Corona, Double Corona, Palma, Palma Short, Toro, Short Plank, Cannon, Mast, Blunt, Torpedo, Diplomat, Super Diplomat, Rothchild, Churchill, and President - each vary depending on the chosen cigar type. As you can see, not all styles are available for each type, providing a specialized selection that enhances the unique characteristics of each cigar.
OBT's hand-rolled cigars reflect the skill and tradition of expert cigar making. Hand-rolling ensures an even burn and a consistent flavor, two critical aspects of a premium cigar experience. Their selection of high-quality tobaccos from regions like Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic further adds to the rich and varied experiences their cigars offer.
For cigar enthusiasts, understanding these aspects is key to selecting the perfect cigar. Whether you prefer a mild, short smoke or a rich, long-lasting experience, OBT's range has something to offer. Each cigar's size and shape are carefully crafted to enhance its unique flavor profile and smoking qualities.
The size and shape of a cigar are essential elements that define its character. OBT Cigars, with our extensive range of hand-rolled cigars in various sizes and shapes, provides a testament to the art of cigar making. By understanding these dimensions, smokers can better appreciate the nuances of each cigar and find their perfect match.